Insider Directory of CEOs
Title | Since | Age | |||
Yury Ryazanov | BUI | Buhler Industries | CEO | 2013 | |
Yuval Baruch | MGIC | Magic Software Enterprises | CEO | 2012 | 57 |
Yuval Baruch | MGIC | Magic Software Enterprises | CEO | 2012 | 56 |
Yves Toytot | BAIN | Bains Mer Monaco | CEO | 62 | |
Yean Yong | PRKWF | Parkway Life Real | CEO | 2009 | 57 |
Yaron Moses | PIU | Poalim Ibi | CEO | 1994 | 60 |
Yong Kwong | SLVFF | Silverlake Axis | CEO | 2005 | 67 |
Yoram Naveh | CLIS | Clal Insurance Enterprises | CEO | 2018 | 52 |
Yasuyoshi Karasawa | MSADF | MSAD Insurance Group | CEO | 2016 | 73 |
Yaron Angel | ANGL | Salomon A Angel | CEO | 2018 | 64 |
Yin Ahn | 032280 | Samil CoLtd | CEO | 2017 | 66 |
Yuval Wasserman | AEIS | Advanced Energy Industries | CEO | 2014 | 69 |
Yoshihisa Kainuma | MNBEY | Minebea Mitsumi ADR | CEO | 2017 | 67 |
Corporate Insider such as CEO is a common financial term that usually refers to C-Level executive or Vice President of a company. It can also be used as a term describing
anyone that owns more than 10% of a company's voting shares. Corporate Insider practices are regulated by the SEC to impose very strict disclosure requirements on
all insiders when they trade shares of their company on public or private exchanges.