On December 11, 2024, Representative Morgan McGarvey of US Congress acquired under $15k worth of Elkhorn's common stock. Such disclosures are part of transparency measures that require elected officials to report their investments, ensuring public awareness and preventing conflicts of interest. Below are 10 other transactions of Morgan McGarvey.
Risk-return Landscape of Morgan McGarvey's positions
Expected Return
Assets Rated by Market Efficiency
Many investors optimize their portfolios to maintain a risk-return balance that meets their personal investing preferences and liquidity needs. Understanding the relationship between the Sharpe ratio, risk, and expected return will help you build an optimal portfolio from your selected positions. Below are the essential efficiency ratios that can help you quickly create a reliable input to your portfolio optimization process.
Market Risk
Exp Return
The analysis above is based on a 90-day investment horizon and a default level of risk. Use the Portfolio Analyzer to fine-tune all your assumptions. Check your current assumptions here.