Aldeyra Therapeutics holds a
performance score of 17 on a scale of zero to a hundred. The firm shows a Beta (market volatility) of 0.5436, which signifies possible diversification benefits within a given portfolio. Let's try to break down what Aldeyra's beta means in this case. As returns on the market increase, Aldeyra Therapeutics returns are expected to increase less than the market. However, during the bear market, the loss on holding Aldeyra Therapeutics will be expected to be smaller as well. Although it is essential to pay attention to
Aldeyra Therapeutics historical returns, it is also good to be reasonable about what you can do with equity current trending patterns. Our philosophy in foreseeing
future performance of any stock is to look not only at its past charts but also at the business as a whole, including all fundamental and
technical indicators. To evaluate if Aldeyra Therapeutics expected return of 1.74 will be sustainable into the future, we have found twenty-seven different
technical indicators, which can help you to check if the expected returns are sustainable. Use Aldeyra Therapeutics
maximum drawdown, and the
relationship between the
information ratio and
expected short fall to analyze future returns on Aldeyra Therapeutics.
Typically, a company's
financial statements are the reports that show the
financial position of the company. There are three main documents that fall into the category of financial statements. These documents include Aldeyra income statement, its balance sheet, and the statement of cash flows. Potential Aldeyra investors and stakeholders use financial statements to determine how well the company is positioned to perform in the future. Although Aldeyra investors may use each financial statement separately, they are all related. The changes in Aldeyra's assets and liabilities, for example, are also reflected in the revenues and expenses that we see on Aldeyra's income statement, which results in the company's gains or losses. Cash flows can provide more information regarding cash listed on a balance sheet, but not equivalent to net income shown on the income statement. Please read more on our
technical analysis and
fundamental analysis pages.
The goal of Aldeyra The
future earnings power of Aldeyra involves the interaction of many company-specific, industry, and economic forces. Earnings estimates embody investors' opinions of Aldeyra factors such as sales growth, product demand, competitive industry environment, profit margins, and cost controls. Aldeyra
stock prices adjust as these expectations change or are proven wrong. The main thing to remember is that equities with high expected earnings growth tend to underperform the market because it is usually difficult to meet the market's high expectations. Companies with low earnings expectations tend to do better than expected. Please use our latest analysis of Aldeyra
expected earnings.
There are few distinct groups of Aldeyra Therapeutics stakehholders that the SEC considers insiders. Investors usually gain information through their work as corporate directors, officers, or employees. If these individuals share the information with a friend, family, or business partner and the person who receives the information exchanges stock in the company, he or shie is also an insider. Let's take a look at how the ownership of Aldeyra is distributed among investors.
Ownership Allocation
Aldeyra Therapeutics retains a total of 34.37 Million outstanding shares. Over half of Aldeyra Therapeutics outstanding shares are owned by
other corporate entities. These other corporate entities are typically referred to corporate investors that acquire positions in a given instrument to benefit from reduced trade commissions. Consequently, these
institutions are subject to different rules and regulation than regular investors in Aldeyra Therapeutics. Please watch out for any change in the
institutional holdings of Aldeyra Therapeutics as this could mean something significant has changed or about to change at the company. Remember, it does not matter who owns the company or if the company is currently
losing money. If the true value of the company is more than the market pays for it currently, you can still have a good investment opportunity.
Retail Investors30.12% | | Institutions65.87% |
| Retail Investors | 30.12 |
| Insiders | 4.01 |
| Institutions | 65.87 |
Asset Utilization
One of the ways to look at asset utilization of Aldeyra is to check how much profit was generated for every dollar of assets it reports. Aldeyra Therapeutics shows a negative utilization of assets of -45.74 percent, losing $0.4574 for each dollar of assets held by the firm. Unsuccessful asset utilization signifies that the company is being less effective with each dollar of assets it shows. Put another way, asset utilization of Aldeyra Therapeutics shows how unproductive it operates for each dollar spent on its assets.
| Current Assets | 62.65 Million | 99.5 |
| Assets Non Current | 312,379 | 0.5 |
Our perspective of the current Aldeyra Therapeutics rise
Aldeyra Therapeutics current market risk adjusted performance rises over 3.11. Aldeyra Therapeutics is displaying above-average volatility over the selected time horizon. Investors should scrutinize Aldeyra Therapeutics independently to ensure intended market timing strategies are aligned with expectations about Aldeyra Therapeutics volatility.
Our Conclusion on Aldeyra Therapeutics
While some other companies within the biotechnology industry are still a little expensive, even after the recent corrections, Aldeyra Therapeutics may offer a potential longer-term growth to investors. With a somewhat neutral outlook on your 30 days horizon, it may be better to hold off any trading activity and neither pick up new shares of Aldeyra nor sell your existing holdings in the Stock. It seems the expected volatility has not yet been fully factored into the current price. Please use our equity advice module to run different scenarios to ensure your current risk level and investment horizon are fully reflective of your current investing preferences in regards to Aldeyra Therapeutics.
Ellen Johnson is a Member of Macroaxis Editorial Board. Ellen covers public companies in North America, focusing primarily on valuation and volatility. Six years of experience in predictive investment analytics and risk management.
View Profile This story should be regarded as informational only and should not be considered a solicitation to sell or buy any financial products. Macroaxis does not express any opinion as to the present or future value of any investments referred to in this post. This post may not be reproduced without the consent of Macroaxis LLC. Macroaxis LLC and Ellen Johnson do not own shares of Aldeyra. Please refer to our
Terms of Use for any information regarding our disclosure principles.
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