The company's average rating is Hold from 6 analysts.
We provide recommendation to complement the prevalent
expert consensus on WisdomTree Investments. Our dynamic recommendation engine utilizes a multidimensional algorithm to analyze the firm's potential to grow using all technical and fundamental data available at the time.
The asset allocation of funds such as Alger Small usually varies among a different mix of asset classes. Balanced mutual funds invest not only in bonds, which focus primarily on income, and stocks, which aim for investment growth, but also keep some reserve in cash or even exotic instruments. Below we show the current asset allocation of Alger Small Cap
Earning per share calculations of the firm is based on official Zacks consensus of 4 analysts regarding WisdomTree Investments' future annual earnings. Given the historical accuracy of 77.38%, the future earnings per share of the company is estimated to be 0.37 with the lowest and highest values of 0.36 and 0.38, respectively. Please note that this consensus of annual earnings estimates for WisdomTree Investments is an estimate of EPS before non-recurring items and including employee stock options expenses.
Is WisdomTree a risky opportunity?
Let's check the volatility. WisdomTree is looking slightly risky at this time. Whether you invest your money or manage your clients' funds, remember that it is easy to forget that behind WisdomTree (USA Stocks:WETF) stock is an actual business venture. So, do not let stock picking become an abstract concept by ignoring the elementary risk calculations. purchasing a share of a WisdomTree Investments stock makes you a part-owner of that company.
WisdomTree Investments Current Consensus
Here is the latest trade recommendation based on an ongoing consensus estimate among financial analysis covering WisdomTree Investments. The WisdomTree consensus assessment is calculated by taking the average estimates from all of the analysts covering WisdomTree Investments
| Strong Buy | 1 | 16.67 |
| Buy | 1 | 16.67 |
| Hold | 4 | 66.67 |
| Sell | 0 | 0.0 |
| Strong Sell | 0 | 0.0 |
Analysis of WisdomTree Investments
Potential upside is down to 3.37. It may indicate a possible volatility dip.
As of the 21st of December, WisdomTree Investments maintains the Downside Deviation of 1.67,
market risk adjusted performance of 0.8296, and Mean Deviation of 1.53. Relative to
fundamental indicators, the
technical analysis model lets you check existing technical drivers of WisdomTree Investments, as well as the relationship between them. Specifically, you can use this information to find out if the company will indeed mirror its model of past data patterns, or the prices will eventually revert. We were able to interpolate and analyze data for nineteen
technical drivers for WisdomTree Investments, which can be compared to its rivals. Please check out
WisdomTree Investments jensen alpha and
downside variance to decide if WisdomTree Investments is priced fairly, providing market reflects its latest price of 5.26 per share. Given that WisdomTree Investments has
jensen alpha of 0.0866, we strongly advise you to confirm WisdomTree Investments's prevalent market performance to make sure the company can sustain itself at a future point.
Although some firms in the asset management industry are either recovering or due for a correction, WisdomTree Investments may not be performing as strong as the other in terms of long-term growth potentials. With a relatively neutral outlook on the latest economy, it is better to hold off any trading of WisdomTree as the current risk-reward utility is not appealing enough. Please use our equity advice module to run different scenarios to ensure your current risk level and investment horizon are fully reflective of your current investing preferences in regards to WisdomTree Investments.
Gabriel Shpitalnik is a Member of Macroaxis Editorial Board. Gabriel is a young entrepreneur and writes predominantly on the business, technology, and finance sector. He likes to analyze different equity instruments across a wide range of industries focusing primarily on consumer products and evolving technologies.
View Profile This story should be regarded as informational only and should not be considered a solicitation to sell or buy any financial products. Macroaxis does not express any opinion as to the present or future value of any investments referred to in this post. This post may not be reproduced without the consent of Macroaxis LLC. Macroaxis LLC and Gabriel Shpitalnik do not own shares of Alger Small Cap. Please refer to our
Terms of Use for any information regarding our disclosure principles.
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