All Equities Traded in France
LG | Lafarge SA | CompanyDelisted |
LSS | Lectra SA | Company |
LEM | Multi Units France | ETF |
LI | Klepierre SA | Company |
LOCAL | Solocal Group SA | Company |
LCO | Solucom SA | CompanyDelisted |
LTE | Valtech SA | CompanyDelisted |
LYS | Lysogene SA | CompanyDelisted |
LNA | LNA Sante SA | Company |
LBIRD | Lumibird SA | Company |
LIN | Linedata Services SA | Company |
L100 | Multi Units Luxembourg | ETF |
LACR | Lacroix Group SA | Company |
LCUS | Multi Units Luxembourg | ETF |
LVD | Multi Units Luxembourg | ETF |
LOUP | Societe LDC SA | Company |
LAGB | Lagardere Active Broadcast | CompanyDelisted |
LBON | Compagnie Lebon | CompanyDelisted |
LEMO | Lyxor MSCI Select | ETFDelisted |
LFDE | La Franaise De | CompanyDelisted |
LFVE | La Fonciere Verte | CompanyDelisted |
LHYFE | Lhyfe SA | Company |
LAT | Latcore SA | Company |
LQQ | Lyxor UCITS NASDAQ 100 | ETF |
This is your company directory of All Equities Traded in France.
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