All Equities Traded in Turkey

SISE Turkiye Sise veCompany
SOKM Sok Marketler TicaretCompany
SAFKR Safkar Ege SogutmacilikCompany
SEKFK Seker Finansal KiralamaCompany
SKYLP Ideal Finansal TeknolojilerCompany
SASA SASA Polyester SanayiCompany
SANEL SAN EL Muhendislik ElektrikCompany
SAHOL Haci Omer SabanciCompany
SAYAS Say Yenilenebilir EnerjiCompany
SUWEN Suwen Tekstil SanayiCompany
SELVA Selva Gida SanayiCompany
SUMAS Sumas Suni TahtaCompany
SEGYO Seker Gayrimenkul YatirimCompany
SKBNK Sekerbank TASCompany
SNGYO Sinpas Gayrimenkul YatirimCompany
SERVE Serve Kirtasiye SanayiCompanyDelisted
SNKRN Senkron Guvenlik veCompany
SNPAM Sonmez Pamuklu SanayiiCompany
SRVGY Servet Gayrimenkul YatirimCompany
SILVR Silverline Endustri veCompany
SELEC Selcuk Ecza DeposuCompany
SEYKM Seyitler Kimya SanayiCompany
SONME Sonmez Filament SentetikCompany

This is your company directory of All Equities Traded in Turkey. Current company profiles and analysis of All Equities Traded in Turkey are essential tool when identifying prospects to include in your portfolios. The Macroaxis company directory provides useful information not only about the actual businesses but also their suitability in respect to your existing portfolios as well as to your current investing habits and risk preferences