Trending Assets Constituents
Dana Inc
15.94 -0.64 -3.86 Stock | DAN |
Global E Online
59.89 -0.75 -1.24 Stock | GLBE |
72.94 -2.97 -3.91 Stock | TPR |
American Outdoor Brands
17.18 0.01 0.06 Stock | AOUT |
Brinker International
181.97 -0.53 -0.29 Stock | EAT |
779.53 7.54 0.98 Stock | HUBS |
Asics Corp ADR
23.06 0.86 3.87 Pink Sheet | ASCCY |
Bill Com Holdings
96.77 0.65 0.68 Stock | BILL |
Adtalem Global Education
107.13 4.71 4.60 Stock | ATGE |
Life Time Group
28.99 -0.75 -2.52 Stock | LTH |
UBS AG London
27.55 0.62 2.30 Etf | MLPB |
Delek Logistics Partners
43.37 -0.96 -2.17 Stock | DKL |
Global X MLP
52.97 -0.64 -1.19 Etf | MLPA |
Tidal Trust II
16.63 -0.04 -0.24 Etf | DISO |
Meta Platforms
689.18 2.18 0.32 Stock | META |
Cheniere Energy Partners
61.36 -1.93 -3.05 Stock | CQP |
Asure Software
11.82 -0.07 -0.59 Stock | ASUR |
Amazon Inc
237.68 3.04 1.30 Stock | AMZN |
OneSpaWorld Holdings
21.36 -0.24 -1.11 Stock | OSW |
Direxion Daily META
45.26 0.17 0.38 Etf | METU |
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