Insider Directory of Company Presidents

Xionghui XieZIJMFZijin Mining GroupPresident201649
Xionghui XieZIJMYZijin Mining GroupPresident201649
Xianguo FengPPCCFPICC Property AndPresident60
Xianguo FengPPCCYPICC Property andPresident60
Xiang GaoOCMChina International MarinePresident201558
Xuelian ShangHK51CHINA WINDPOWERPresident50
Xianglin LiCGXYYChina Galaxy SecuritiesPresident201656
Xiaobin WuBGNEBGNE OldPresident201863
Xu ZhangCHVKYChina Vanke CoPresident60
Xuejun XieAMBOAmbow Education HoldingPresident200058
Xavier RoyVIVEFVivendi SAPresident
Xavier RoyVIVVivendi SAPresident
Xavier BozaCPBCampbell SoupPresident202056
Xiang WangXIACYXiaomi Corp ADRPresident201562
Xiang WangXIACFXiaomi CorpPresident201562
Xuewen ZhangPSTVYPostal Savings BankPresident201261
Xueming XuPSTVYPostal Savings BankPresident201756
Xiaokai KongCRBJYChina Resources LandPresident201654
Xinjian CaoCEOCNOOC LimitedPresident201753

Corporate Insider such as Company President is a common financial term that usually refers to C-Level executive or Vice President of a company. It can also be used as a term describing anyone that owns more than 10% of a company's voting shares. Corporate Insider practices are regulated by the SEC to impose very strict disclosure requirements on all insiders when they trade shares of their company on public or private exchanges.