Perspective Stories

As the saying goes, every cloud has a silver lining, and this could be the case for Immunoprecise Antibodies. Despite a challenging financial landscape marked by a net income loss of $26.6M and an operating income loss of $26.1M, there are signs that this biotechnology firm could rally in August. With a total revenue of $20.7M and a quarterly revenue growth of 20.3%, the company shows potential for growth.
  over six months ago at Macroaxis 
By Vlad Skutelnik
Vlad Skutelnik
In the comparison between Merck and Royal Bank, the latter emerges as a potentially more lucrative investment opportunity. Royal Bank, a key player in the Banks - Diversified industry, boasts an impressive net asset value of $2 trillion. The bank has consistently shown strong financial health, with a profit margin of 28.38% and EBITDA of $21.33 billion.
  over six months ago at Macroaxis 
By Rifka Kats
Rifka Kats
Citigroup, a prominent player in the Financial Services sector, specifically in the Banks category, has been a subject of interest for investors looking to compare its volatility with that of JPMorgan. With a 52-week high of $64.98 and a target price of $67.2, Citigroup's stock has shown considerable resilience. The company's 50-day moving average stands at $61.62, while the 200-day moving average is $52.53, indicating a positive trend.
  over six months ago at Macroaxis 
By Ellen Johnson
Ellen Johnson
Analyzing the forward-looking signals of 36Kr Holdings and Twilio allows us to compare the impact of market volatility on both companies' prices. It also helps to determine if they can diversify market risk when combined in a portfolio. Pair trading strategies can be utilized, matching a long position in Twilio with a short position in 36Kr Holdings.
  over six months ago at Macroaxis 
By Gabriel Shpitalnik
Gabriel Shpitalnik
Riding the wave of the aerospace and defense industry, CPI Aerostructures (USA Stocks:CVU) presents an intriguing investment opportunity for July. With a profit margin of 19.62% and an EBITDA of $6.78M, the company's financial health appears robust. The current valuation of the company stands at $50.43M, closely mirroring its enterprise value of $50.4M.
  over six months ago at Macroaxis 
By Rifka Kats
Rifka Kats

What are the differences between TRC20 and ERC20? TRC20, a token standard on the Tron network, has features that are comparable to those of ERC20 on the Ethereum network. Knowing the differences will help you navigate the crypto space better.

  over six months ago at Macroaxis 
By Aina Ster
Aina Ster
Analyzing basic indicators between Stryve Foods and JJSF allows us to compare the impact of market volatility on both companies' prices. It also helps determine if combining them in a portfolio can diversify market risk. Pair trading strategies can be utilized, matching a long position in JJSF with a short position in Stryve Foods.
  over six months ago at Macroaxis 
By Ellen Johnson
Ellen Johnson
Analyzing key indicators for Ally Financial and Visa can help assess the impact of market volatility on both companies' stock prices. It can also determine if combining them in a portfolio can diversify market risk. Pair trading strategies can be utilized, such as matching a long position in Visa with a short position in Ally Financial.
  over six months ago at Macroaxis 
By Vlad Skutelnik
Vlad Skutelnik

While getting a finance job is lucrative, the field remains extremely competitive. This is especially true if you just got a bachelor's degree but don't have real-world experience. Luckily, you can get a job in finance even in this case, especially if you have a plan and are ready to apply some effort. If you research the industry, you can stand out against the competition and find something that suits you. 

  over six months ago at Macroaxis 
By Aina Ster
Aina Ster
By comparing basic indicators between Coca Cola and Monster, we can examine the impact of market volatility on both companies' prices and assess if they can mitigate market risk when combined in a portfolio. Pair trading strategies can also be employed, such as matching a long position in Monster with a short position in Coca Cola. For more details, refer to our pair correlation module.
  over six months ago at Macroaxis 
By Aina Ster
Aina Ster