Financial Widgets
Macroaxis financial widgets and gadgets are portable, reusable,
and highly encapsulated Web components that can be installed within any separate
HTML-based document by an end-user without requiring additional resources.
This may include financial portals, business school or investment related sites,
or personal blogs.
Our reusable financial widgets and gadgets are used to distribute on-demand financial information,
including stocks, funds, ETFs, and world market quotes, changes, and fundamentals.
What are Financial Widgets?
The term 'Widget' was initially used as an abbreviation for 'window gadget' and was first applied to user interface elements during Project Athena in 1988, a joint project of MIT, Digital Equipment Corporation, and IBM.
The first web widgets were mostly link counters and advertising banners. Nowadays, however, the concept of web widget typically refers to a manageable chunk of agnostic code that can be executed in a browser.
In other words, a widget is anything that can be embedded into a web page that is not static. Other terms used to describe widgets include:
gadget, plug-in, module, webjit, snippet, and flake.
Our financial widgets and gadgets are derived from the idea that most financial content can be integrated within a third party website by the placement of a small snippet of code that contains the necessary financial data. Our clients and partners use Macroaxis widgets, gadgets, and apps to enhance their Web presence and user experience using syndicated content and functionality provided by Macroaxis. This includes social networks, blogs, wikis, personal homepages, and corporate sites.
Macroaxis also provides dynamic stock tickers that can be easily integrated to websites, investment portals, financial blogs or financial online media outlets. The near-real-time equity tickers cover markets from over 30 countries and can include socks, funds, etfs, indexes, news, or custom-built financial information. Click here to check Macroaxis Stock Tickers in action.
Please contact us to request customized gadgets for your site or blog or use our existing components free of charge. To integrate any component from this page to your site, copy and paste the widget scriptlet of your choice.
Financial Widgets Resources at Macroaxis
Widget Examples | Stock Ticker Info | Contact Macroaxis Representative
Use of the all Macroaxis contents and
Financial Widgets is subject to Terms of Use
No programming skills to integrate | |
Tailor content to custom requirements | |
Save time with high impact content | |
Increase traffic and web presence | |
Attract advertisers and partners | |
Use with your responsive design |
Power your financial blog, fintech site, trading forum or any other investment-related content with Macroaxis ready-to-use financial widgets. We encourage you to try all of our widgets. They are free and require no programming skills to integrate