MSTR250417P00920000 Option on MicroStrategy Incorporated

MSTR Stock  USD 334.79  5.30  1.56%   
MSTR250417P00920000 is a PUT option contract on MicroStrategy Incorporated's common stock with a strick price of 920.0 expiring on 2025-04-17. The contract was not traded in recent days and, as of today, has 74 days remaining before the expiration. The option is currently trading at a bid price of $585.45, and an ask price of $587.75. The implied volatility as of the 2nd of February is 74.0.
When exercised, put options on MicroStrategy Incorporated produce a short position in MicroStrategy Stock. Because of this protective nature, they are typically used either for hedging purposes or to capitalize on MicroStrategy Incorporated's downside price movement.

Rule 16 of 2025-04-17 Option Contract

The options market is anticipating that MicroStrategy Incorporated will have an average daily up or down price movement of about 0.0788% per day over the life of the option. With MicroStrategy Incorporated trading at USD 334.79, that is roughly USD 0.26. If you think that the market is fully understating MicroStrategy Incorporated's daily price movement you should consider buying MicroStrategy Incorporated options at that current volatility level of 1.26%. But if you have an opposite viewpoint you should avoid it and even consider selling them.

In The Money Put Option on MicroStrategy Incorporated

An 'In The Money' option is one with a strike price that the current stock price has already surpassed. Some options investors can hedge their MicroStrategy Incorporated positions using in-the-money options. They may also want to buy options with some intrinsic value, not just time value. However, because in-the-money options on MicroStrategy Stock have intrinsic value and are priced higher than out-of-the-money options in the same chain, their volatilities are relatively smaller.
Put Contract NameMSTR250417P00920000
Expires On2025-04-17
Days Before Expriration74
Theoretical Value586.6
Open Interest2
Strike Price920.0
Last Traded At580.1
Current Price Spread585.45 | 587.75
Rule 16 Daily Up or DownUSD 0.26

MicroStrategy short PUT Option Greeks

MicroStrategy Incorporated's Option Greeks for the contract ending on 2025-04-17 at a strike price of 920.0 measures the various factors that affect its cost and calculated using a theoretical options pricing model. It helps investors make more informed decisions about whether to trade this option contract or when to trade it. In addition to MicroStrategy Incorporated's option greeks, its implied volatility helps estimate the risk of MicroStrategy Incorporated stock implied by the prices of the options on MicroStrategy Incorporated's stock.

MicroStrategy long PUT Option Payoff at expiration

Put options written on MicroStrategy Incorporated grant holders of the option the right to sell a specified amount of MicroStrategy Incorporated at a specified price within a specified time frame. The put buyer has a limited loss and, while not fully unlimited gains, as the price of MicroStrategy Stock cannot fall below zero, the put buyer does gain as the price drops. So, purchasing a put option on MicroStrategy Incorporated is like buying insurance aginst MicroStrategy Incorporated's downside shift.
       MicroStrategy Incorporated Price At Expiration  

MicroStrategy short PUT Option Payoff at expiration

By selling MicroStrategy Incorporated's put option, the investors signal their bearish sentiment. A short position in a put option written on MicroStrategy Incorporated will generally make money when the underlying price is above the strike price. Therefore MicroStrategy Incorporated's put payoff at expiration depends on where the MicroStrategy Stock price is relative to the put option strike price. The breakeven price of 333.4 is the critical point that divides the payoff function into two parts. Below the breakeven price, the payoff is dropping and negative (the seller makes a loss). Above the breakeven price, the payoff line is upward sloping as the option payoff increases in proportion to MicroStrategy Incorporated's price. Finally, at the strike price of 920.0, the payoff chart is constant and positive.
       MicroStrategy Incorporated Price At Expiration  
View All MicroStrategy Incorporated Options

MicroStrategy Incorporated Available Put Options

MicroStrategy Incorporated's option chain is a display of a range of information that helps investors for ways to trade options on MicroStrategy. In general, an option chain provides a helpful tool for investors to see all available option contracts, both puts, and calls, for MicroStrategy. It also shows strike prices and maturity days for a MicroStrategy Incorporated against a given expiration period. The table below combines all the option information in the form of a chain but before you use it, remember that it entails significant risk and it is not for everyone.
Open IntStrike PriceCurrent SpreadLast Price
MSTR250417P000050003255.00.0 - 0.030.01Out
MSTR250417P0001000052410.00.0 - 0.050.06Out
MSTR250417P0001500011215.00.01 - 0.110.1Out
MSTR250417P000200007620.00.0 - 0.170.17Out
MSTR250417P000250002125.00.0 - 0.220.13Out
MSTR250417P0003000069730.00.03 - 0.250.05Out
MSTR250417P000350003835.00.01 - 0.250.31Out
MSTR250417P000400009540.00.02 - 0.310.15Out
MSTR250417P0004500012245.00.07 - 0.340.27Out
MSTR250417P00050000163650.00.09 - 0.20.2Out
MSTR250417P000550005455.00.13 - 0.420.28Out
MSTR250417P000600003360.00.16 - 0.460.11Out
MSTR250417P0006500027665.00.2 - 0.50.32Out
MSTR250417P0007000010670.00.24 - 0.540.31Out
MSTR250417P0007500019575.00.29 - 0.580.43Out
MSTR250417P0008000028680.00.33 - 0.620.44Out
MSTR250417P0008500010485.00.38 - 0.681.24Out
MSTR250417P0009000041890.00.44 - 0.650.75Out
MSTR250417P0009500030495.00.5 - 0.720.66Out
MSTR250417P00100000490100.00.57 - 0.80.74Out
MSTR250417P00105000105105.00.67 - 0.910.68Out
MSTR250417P00110000255110.00.71 - 1.030.8Out
MSTR250417P00115000552115.00.84 - 1.141.03Out
MSTR250417P00120000577120.00.91 - 1.261.11Out
MSTR250417P00125000270125.01.08 - 1.381.15Out
MSTR250417P00130000468130.01.21 - 1.531.41Out
MSTR250417P00135000626135.01.35 - 1.641.58Out
MSTR250417P00140000362140.01.47 - 1.851.74Out
MSTR250417P00145000105145.01.65 - 2.051.88Out
MSTR250417P001500001578150.01.88 - 2.222.12Out
MSTR250417P00155000220155.02.07 - 2.52.27Out
MSTR250417P00160000483160.02.38 - 2.762.53Out
MSTR250417P0016500096165.02.66 - 3.052.62Out
MSTR250417P00170000643170.02.99 - 3.353.2Out
MSTR250417P00175000319175.03.25 - 3.73.5Out
MSTR250417P00180000485180.03.7 - 4.053.87Out
MSTR250417P00185000200185.04.05 - 4.54.5Out
MSTR250417P00190000449190.04.6 - 5.054.75Out
MSTR250417P00195000360195.05.1 - 5.655.0Out
MSTR250417P002000001431200.05.75 - 6.26.1Out
MSTR250417P00210000400210.07.15 - 7.67.4Out
MSTR250417P00220000503220.08.8 - 9.48.5Out
MSTR250417P00230000181230.010.65 - 11.359.45Out
MSTR250417P002400003533240.012.95 - 13.613.4Out
MSTR250417P002500001047250.015.55 - 16.216.0Out
MSTR250417P00260000760260.018.55 - 19.318.64Out
MSTR250417P00270000330270.022.1 - 22.822.5Out
MSTR250417P002800001595280.025.7 - 26.4526.0Out
MSTR250417P00290000516290.029.85 - 30.7530.95Out
MSTR250417P003000002744300.034.45 - 35.1535.15Out
MSTR250417P00310000462310.039.3 - 40.2539.0Out
MSTR250417P00320000406320.044.55 - 45.545.0Out
MSTR250417P00330000607330.050.15 - 51.0550.37Out
MSTR250417P00340000450340.056.05 - 57.054.51In
MSTR250417P00350000763350.062.25 - 63.462.5In
MSTR250417P00360000533360.068.8 - 70.067.1In
MSTR250417P00370000215370.075.55 - 76.870.03In
MSTR250417P00380000344380.082.6 - 83.8576.45In
MSTR250417P00390000374390.089.8 - 91.1588.75In
MSTR250417P00400000834400.097.3 - 98.4597.5In
MSTR250417P00410000166410.0104.85 - 106.3599.05In
MSTR250417P00420000188420.0112.7 - 114.05110.0In
MSTR250417P00430000342430.0120.5 - 122.5115.0In
MSTR250417P00440000137440.0128.7 - 130.9123.78In
MSTR250417P00450000287450.0137.2 - 139.25138.8In
MSTR250417P0046000062460.0145.65 - 147.7147.0In
MSTR250417P0047000018470.0154.25 - 156.25134.9In
MSTR250417P0048000031480.0162.75 - 164.95161.9In
MSTR250417P0049000040490.0171.55 - 173.75165.0In
MSTR250417P0050000082500.0180.5 - 182.4168.75In
MSTR250417P00510000192510.0189.4 - 191.55188.55In
MSTR250417P00520000113520.0198.45 - 200.6199.85In
MSTR250417P00530000127530.0207.55 - 209.6206.65In
MSTR250417P0054000020540.0216.75 - 218.75189.46In
MSTR250417P0055000052550.0226.0 - 228.0219.82In
MSTR250417P0056000096560.0235.3 - 237.3238.85In
MSTR250417P0057000052570.0244.65 - 246.65265.75In
MSTR250417P0058000012580.0254.0 - 256.05228.25In
MSTR250417P0059000013590.0263.45 - 265.45263.23In
MSTR250417P0060000057600.0272.9 - 274.65272.94In
MSTR250417P0061000014610.0282.4 - 284.45294.6In
MSTR250417P0062000024620.0291.95 - 294.0268.0In
MSTR250417P00630000113630.0301.5 - 303.55283.31In
MSTR250417P0064000082640.0311.05 - 313.15291.98In
MSTR250417P0065000021650.0320.7 - 322.8363.9In
MSTR250417P00660000252660.0330.3 - 332.45309.14In
MSTR250417P0067000011670.0339.95 - 342.1327.7In
MSTR250417P00680000132680.0349.65 - 351.8361.55In
MSTR250417P006900001690.0359.35 - 361.5341.55In
MSTR250417P0070000034700.0369.05 - 370.9362.3In
MSTR250417P007100001710.0378.8 - 380.95402.75In
MSTR250417P007300003730.0398.3 - 400.45383.0In
MSTR250417P0074000011740.0408.05 - 410.25372.0In
MSTR250417P0075000015750.0417.85 - 420.0429.51In
MSTR250417P007600001760.0427.6 - 429.8413.99In
MSTR250417P007700005770.0437.4 - 439.65456.8In
MSTR250417P0079000010790.0457.05 - 459.3444.9In
MSTR250417P008000002800.0466.9 - 468.8451.7In
MSTR250417P0083000011830.0496.45 - 498.7503.6In
MSTR250417P0085000032850.0516.2 - 518.45549.3In
MSTR250417P008600003860.0526.05 - 528.3521.67In
MSTR250417P008900001890.0555.75 - 558.0550.65In
MSTR250417P009000003900.0565.65 - 567.55553.95In
MSTR250417P009100001910.0575.55 - 577.8577.32In
MSTR250417P009200002920.0585.45 - 587.75580.1In
MSTR250417P0093000010930.0595.35 - 597.65551.8In
MSTR250417P0094000020940.0605.3 - 607.6588.25In
MSTR250417P009500006950.0615.2 - 617.5568.55In
MSTR250417P009600002960.0625.15 - 627.45630.85In
MSTR250417P0097000017970.0635.1 - 637.4641.9In
MSTR250417P0098000011980.0645.0 - 647.3651.95In
MSTR250417P0099000011990.0654.95 - 657.25660.35In
MSTR250417P010000001391000.0664.9 - 666.85659.25In

MicroStrategy Incorporated Corporate Management

Additional Tools for MicroStrategy Stock Analysis

When running MicroStrategy Incorporated's price analysis, check to measure MicroStrategy Incorporated's market volatility, profitability, liquidity, solvency, efficiency, growth potential, financial leverage, and other vital indicators. We have many different tools that can be utilized to determine how healthy MicroStrategy Incorporated is operating at the current time. Most of MicroStrategy Incorporated's value examination focuses on studying past and present price action to predict the probability of MicroStrategy Incorporated's future price movements. You can analyze the entity against its peers and the financial market as a whole to determine factors that move MicroStrategy Incorporated's price. Additionally, you may evaluate how the addition of MicroStrategy Incorporated to your portfolios can decrease your overall portfolio volatility.