Fair Isaac Stock Options Expiring on 17th of April

FICO Stock  USD 1,887  39.50  2.14%   
Fair Isaac's latest option contracts expiring on April 17th 2025 are carrying combined implied volatility of 0.4 with a put-to-call open interest ratio of 0.75 over 168 outstanding agreements suggesting investors are buying slightly more calls than puts on contracts expiring on April 17th 2025. The total put volume is at 111, with calls trading at the volume of 38.0. This yields a 2.92 put-to-call volume ratio.

Open Interest Against April 17th 2025 Option Contracts

The chart above shows Fair Isaac's distribution of open interest by maturity on contracts that have not yet been settled. The area between the two highest points is the projection of the price at expiration. Fair Isaac's open interest chart also provides vital information regarding the liquidity of an option. If there is no open interest for Fair Isaac's option, there is no secondary market available for investors to trade.

Fair Isaac Maximum Pain Price Across 2025-04-17 Option Contracts

Max pain occurs when Fair Isaac's market makers reach a net positive position across all Fair Isaac's options at a strike price where option holders stand to lose the most money. By contrast, Fair Isaac's option sellers may reap the most after selling more options than buying, causing them to expire worthless.
Please note that buying 'in-the-money' options on Fair Isaac lessens the impact of time decay, as they carry both intrinsic and time value. So, even if Fair Isaac's value remains static through the expiration date, the investor can sell to close an 'in-the-money' option to avoid a potential loss. However, in-the-money Fair Isaac contracts are usually more expensive to enter than their out-of-the-money counterparts. So keep in mind that while the payoffs on an in-the-money trade can be high, the investors could ultimately experience a more consequential loss if Fair Stock moves the wrong way.

Fair Isaac In The Money Call Balance

When Fair Isaac's strike price is surpassing the current stock price, the option contract against Fair Isaac stock is said to be in the money. When it comes to buying Fair Isaac's options that are 'In the Money' or 'Out of the Money', the choice depends on your outlook for the underlying security, financial situation, and what you are trying to achieve.
While 'out-of-the-money' option contracts written on Fair Isaac are typically viewed as the more aggressive, there are potential upsides to purchasing these types of options contracts. For one, the cost to buy an 'Out of the Money' option is lower than the cost to buy an 'In the Money' option. This cost-benefit is due to the fact that at the time of the purchase, 'Out of the Money' contracts have no intrinsic value. So, while the potential for a 100% loss is more significant, the cost and risk to enter the trade are lower.

Fair Current Options Market Mood

Fair Isaac's open interest and total value indicators provide investors with the necessary information to digest the overall options buildup for its expiring contracts. In addition, it helps Fair Stock's traders understand whether a recent fall or rise in the market is unreasonable and if the time has come to take contrarian positions. These ratios are calculated based on options trading volumes and current open interest.

Put-to-Call Open Interest

Put-to-Call Volume

Most options investors, including buyers and sellers of Fair Isaac's calls and puts, are not very successful. It is estimated that an average options trader loses somewhere between 80% to 90% of the time. Fair Isaac's option open interest and volume spread between outstanding puts and calls are regarded by many investors as reliable indicators of the overall future market direction.

Rule 16 of the current Fair contract

Base on the Rule 16, the options market is currently suggesting that Fair Isaac will have an average daily up or down price movement of about 0.025% per day over the life of the 2025-04-17 option contract. With Fair Isaac trading at USD 1887.3, that is roughly USD 0.47. If you think that the market is fully incorporating Fair Isaac's daily price movement you should consider buying Fair Isaac options at the current volatility level of 0.4%. But if you have an opposite viewpoint you should avoid it and even consider selling them.

Fair Isaac Option Chain

When Fair Isaac's strike price is surpassing the current stock price, the option contract against Fair Isaac stock is said to be in the money. When it comes to buying options that are ITM or OTM, the choice depends on your outlook for the underlying security, financial situation, and what you are trying to achieve.
Fair Isaac's option chain is a display of a range of information that helps investors for ways to trade options on Fair. In general, an option chain provides a helpful tool for investors to see all available option contracts, both puts, and calls, for Fair. It also shows strike prices and maturity days for a Fair Isaac against a given expiration period. The table below combines all the option information in the form of a chain but before you use it, remember that it entails significant risk and it is not for everyone.
Open IntStrike PriceCurrent SpreadLast Price
FICO250417C009400001940.0909.4 - 919.4900.6In
FICO250417C009600001960.0889.5 - 899.5750.0In
FICO250417C0100000031000.0850.4 - 860.4827.5In
FICO250417C0102000011020.0830.6 - 840.6724.8In
FICO250417C0106000021060.0791.6 - 801.6787.6In
FICO250417C0108000011080.0771.8 - 781.8825.3In
FICO250417C0114000031140.0712.2 - 722.2612.6In
FICO250417C0118000021180.0673.1 - 683.1727.1In
FICO250417C0122000021220.0634.2 - 644.2759.09In
FICO250417C0130000021300.0555.8 - 565.8726.47In
FICO250417C0132000011320.0537.5 - 547.5671.8In
FICO250417C0136000011360.0499.3 - 509.3725.3In
FICO250417C0140000011400.0460.8 - 470.8523.4In
FICO250417C0142000021420.0441.5 - 451.5310.6In
FICO250417C0144000011440.0423.6 - 433.6965.0In
FICO250417C0146000011460.0405.2 - 415.2533.2In
FICO250417C0148000011480.0386.7 - 396.7375.5In
FICO250417C0150000031500.0368.4 - 378.4520.8In
FICO250417C0154000011540.0332.6 - 342.6473.3In
FICO250417C0161000011610.0272.4 - 282.4548.37In
FICO250417C0163000021630.0256.3 - 266.3277.4In
FICO250417C0164000011640.0248.2 - 258.2271.8In
FICO250417C0165000011650.0240.0 - 250.0265.6In
FICO250417C0166000011660.0232.5 - 242.5206.8In
FICO250417C0168000021680.0218.0 - 228.0327.1In
FICO250417C0169000031690.0209.8 - 219.8236.6In
FICO250417C0170000021700.0203.8 - 213.8241.5In
FICO250417C0171000021710.0196.1 - 206.1125.9In
FICO250417C0172000031720.0189.8 - 199.8121.5In
FICO250417C0174000011740.0175.8 - 185.8324.0In
FICO250417C0175000021750.0169.5 - 179.5201.02In
FICO250417C0176000021760.0162.3 - 172.3211.2In
FICO250417C0177000011770.0156.0 - 166.0206.0In
FICO250417C0179000011790.0144.0 - 154.0161.8In
FICO250417C01800000191800.0138.0 - 148.0137.0In
FICO250417C0182000041820.0126.5 - 136.5146.3In
FICO250417C0183000041830.0120.5 - 130.5144.34In
FICO250417C0184000051840.0115.8 - 125.8141.0Out
FICO250417C01850000111850.0110.5 - 120.5155.59Out
FICO250417C0186000041860.0104.8 - 114.8110.0Out
FICO250417C0187000081870.0101.0 - 110.7120.3Out
FICO250417C01880000101880.097.0 - 105.8114.5Out
FICO250417C0189000041890.092.0 - 101.5387.0Out
FICO250417C01900000271900.088.0 - 96.7102.1Out
FICO250417C0192000051920.079.0 - 87.1113.9Out
FICO250417C0194000021940.071.0 - 79.5117.94Out
FICO250417C01960000221960.064.0 - 72.7105.82Out
FICO250417C0198000071980.057.0 - 65.384.4Out
FICO250417C02000000242000.050.0 - 58.563.3Out
FICO250417C0202000082020.044.0 - 52.957.4Out
FICO250417C02040000112040.039.0 - 48.070.43Out
FICO250417C0206000062060.034.0 - 42.121.0Out
FICO250417C02080000162080.029.1 - 37.831.6Out
FICO250417C02100000352100.025.0 - 33.816.4Out
FICO250417C0212000072120.022.0 - 30.532.4Out
FICO250417C0214000062140.019.0 - 26.910.15Out
FICO250417C0216000052160.016.0 - 24.212.57Out
FICO250417C02180000192180.013.0 - 20.654.1Out
FICO250417C02200000412200.011.1 - 18.231.73Out
FICO250417C0222000022220.09.0 - 16.227.3Out
FICO250417C0224000052240.07.1 - 14.523.2Out
FICO250417C02260000182260.05.2 - 12.925.79Out
FICO250417C0228000082280.04.0 - 11.618.2Out
FICO250417C02300000592300.03.0 - 8.03.1Out
FICO250417C0232000062320.01.6 - 9.516.4Out
FICO250417C02340000632340.00.85 - 9.1113.21Out
FICO250417C0236000012360.00.05 - 8.013.3Out
FICO250417C0238000082380.00.1 - 7.710.66Out
FICO250417C02400000142400.00.05 - 7.18.7Out
FICO250417C0242000012420.00.05 - 6.67.7Out
FICO250417C0244000012440.00.05 - 6.216.8Out
FICO250417C0246000032460.00.05 - 5.86.1Out
FICO250417C0248000032480.00.0 - 4.847.0Out
FICO250417C0250000092500.00.5 - 5.45.19Out
FICO250417C02600000542600.00.0 - 4.62.25Out
FICO250417C02700000622700.00.0 - 4.45.61Out
FICO250417C02800000932800.00.0 - 4.39.35Out
FICO250417C02900000462900.00.0 - 4.32.81Out
FICO250417C0300000013000.00.0 - 4.336.93Out
FICO250417C0310000053100.00.0 - 3.10.05Out
FICO250417C0320000043200.00.0 - 4.30.05Out
FICO250417C0330000043300.00.0 - 4.30.25Out
FICO250417C0340000063400.00.0 - 4.30.01Out
FICO250417P0094000014940.00.0 - 4.70.85Out
FICO250417P009600002960.00.0 - 4.70.58Out
FICO250417P009800002980.00.0 - 4.80.47Out
FICO250417P01000000191000.00.0 - 1.21.0Out
FICO250417P0102000081020.00.0 - 4.82.34Out
FICO250417P0104000011040.00.05 - 10.01.2Out
FICO250417P0106000011060.00.0 - 4.82.15Out
FICO250417P0108000031080.00.05 - 5.52.6Out
FICO250417P0110000021100.00.0 - 4.80.65Out
FICO250417P0112000031120.00.0 - 4.81.35Out
FICO250417P0114000011140.00.0 - 4.84.0Out
FICO250417P0116000011160.00.05 - 6.44.6Out
FICO250417P0118000011180.00.05 - 10.021.0Out
FICO250417P0120000041200.00.05 - 7.89.5Out
FICO250417P01260000211260.00.05 - 8.111.1Out
FICO250417P0134000011340.01.8 - 10.022.0Out
FICO250417P01360000131360.02.6 - 10.03.25Out
FICO250417P0140000051400.04.1 - 11.08.3Out
FICO250417P01420000161420.05.3 - 13.03.85Out
FICO250417P0144000021440.06.3 - 14.029.3Out
FICO250417P01460000121460.07.5 - 15.06.85Out
FICO250417P0148000021480.08.8 - 16.028.5Out
FICO250417P01500000101500.010.5 - 18.053.31Out
FICO250417P0152000021520.012.0 - 19.757.26Out
FICO250417P0154000011540.013.0 - 21.514.9Out
FICO250417P01580000171580.019.0 - 25.723.82Out
FICO250417P0160000011600.022.3 - 28.539.1Out
FICO250417P01610000131610.024.0 - 30.133.7Out
FICO250417P0162000041620.026.0 - 33.2122.3Out
FICO250417P01630000171630.028.0 - 36.040.5Out
FICO250417P0164000041640.030.0 - 37.251.24Out
FICO250417P01650000231650.032.0 - 38.245.0Out
FICO250417P01670000131670.036.0 - 43.232.0Out
FICO250417P0168000011680.039.0 - 45.585.8Out
FICO250417P0169000051690.041.0 - 48.336.8Out
FICO250417P0170000041700.044.0 - 52.054.0Out
FICO250417P0172000041720.050.0 - 56.484.9Out
FICO250417P0173000011730.053.0 - 59.489.4Out
FICO250417P0175000011750.060.0 - 67.071.56Out
FICO250417P0176000011760.063.0 - 70.0136.3Out
FICO250417P0179000071790.074.0 - 81.767.8Out
FICO250417P01800000111800.078.0 - 85.578.0Out
FICO250417P01810000491810.082.2 - 91.7130.0Out
FICO250417P01820000211820.086.1 - 94.9103.7Out
FICO250417P0183000061830.091.0 - 100.2120.37Out
FICO250417P01840000101840.095.7 - 105.0132.9Out
FICO250417P0185000051850.0100.0 - 110.0102.36Out
FICO250417P0186000071860.0103.5 - 113.5103.0In
FICO250417P0187000011870.0108.2 - 118.2129.9In
FICO250417P01880000141880.0113.7 - 123.7120.2In
FICO250417P01890000111890.0118.6 - 128.6124.8In
FICO250417P01900000191900.0124.7 - 134.7157.0In
FICO250417P01920000241920.0135.9 - 145.9141.0In
FICO250417P0194000091940.0148.1 - 158.1152.8In
FICO250417P01960000211960.0161.1 - 171.1211.24In
FICO250417P01980000281980.0174.4 - 184.4255.6In
FICO250417P02000000332000.0188.0 - 198.0240.8In
FICO250417P0202000062020.0202.2 - 212.2248.8In
FICO250417P0204000092040.0217.5 - 227.5125.0In
FICO250417P0206000022060.0232.2 - 242.2279.3In
FICO250417P0208000032080.0248.5 - 258.5293.0In
FICO250417P02100000182100.0264.8 - 274.8307.1In
FICO250417P02120000242120.0282.0 - 292.0168.0In
FICO250417P0214000042140.0299.2 - 309.2437.2In
FICO250417P0216000022160.0316.8 - 326.8357.5In
FICO250417P0218000012180.0334.9 - 344.9261.4In
FICO250417P0222000012220.0372.7 - 382.7532.3In
FICO250417P0224000012240.0391.2 - 401.2218.8In
FICO250417P0226000022260.0410.7 - 420.7474.2In
FICO250417P0228000012280.0430.0 - 440.0405.2In
FICO250417P0230000022300.0450.7 - 460.7452.8In
FICO250417P0232000052320.0469.6 - 479.6309.5In
FICO250417P0234000052340.0489.5 - 499.5537.0In
FICO250417P0236000052360.0509.7 - 519.7517.6In
FICO250417P0238000032380.0529.5 - 539.5505.5In
FICO250417P0250000012500.0649.5 - 659.5701.0In
FICO250417P0260000002600.0750.0 - 760.0633.2In
FICO250417P0270000002700.0849.5 - 859.2869.3In
FICO250417P0280000002800.0949.6 - 959.6969.3In
FICO250417P0290000002900.01049.6 - 1059.6851.6In
FICO250417P0300000003000.01150.0 - 1160.01154.0In
FICO250417P0310000003100.01249.8 - 1259.81377.1In
FICO250417P0320000003200.01349.6 - 1359.6903.5In
FICO250417P0330000003300.01449.6 - 1459.6932.3In
FICO250417P0340000003400.01549.6 - 1559.61549.6In

Fair Isaac Selling And Marketing Expenses Over Time

   Selling And Marketing Expenses   

Fair Total Stockholder Equity

Total Stockholder Equity

(823.09 Million)

Fair Isaac reported last year Total Stockholder Equity of (866.41 Million)

Fair Isaac Corporate Directors

Marc McMorrisIndependent DirectorProfile
James KirsnerIndependent DirectorProfile
Eva ManolisIndependent DirectorProfile
David ReyIndependent DirectorProfile
When determining whether Fair Isaac offers a strong return on investment in its stock, a comprehensive analysis is essential. The process typically begins with a thorough review of Fair Isaac's financial statements, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, to assess its financial health. Key financial ratios are used to gauge profitability, efficiency, and growth potential of Fair Isaac Stock. Outlined below are crucial reports that will aid in making a well-informed decision on Fair Isaac Stock:
Check out Investing Opportunities to better understand how to build diversified portfolios, which includes a position in Fair Isaac. Also, note that the market value of any company could be closely tied with the direction of predictive economic indicators such as signals in main economic indicators.
To learn how to invest in Fair Stock, please use our How to Invest in Fair Isaac guide.
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Is Application Software space expected to grow? Or is there an opportunity to expand the business' product line in the future? Factors like these will boost the valuation of Fair Isaac. If investors know Fair will grow in the future, the company's valuation will be higher. The financial industry is built on trying to define current growth potential and future valuation accurately. All the valuation information about Fair Isaac listed above have to be considered, but the key to understanding future value is determining which factors weigh more heavily than others.
Quarterly Earnings Growth
Earnings Share
Revenue Per Share
Quarterly Revenue Growth
Return On Assets
The market value of Fair Isaac is measured differently than its book value, which is the value of Fair that is recorded on the company's balance sheet. Investors also form their own opinion of Fair Isaac's value that differs from its market value or its book value, called intrinsic value, which is Fair Isaac's true underlying value. Investors use various methods to calculate intrinsic value and buy a stock when its market value falls below its intrinsic value. Because Fair Isaac's market value can be influenced by many factors that don't directly affect Fair Isaac's underlying business (such as a pandemic or basic market pessimism), market value can vary widely from intrinsic value.
Please note, there is a significant difference between Fair Isaac's value and its price as these two are different measures arrived at by different means. Investors typically determine if Fair Isaac is a good investment by looking at such factors as earnings, sales, fundamental and technical indicators, competition as well as analyst projections. However, Fair Isaac's price is the amount at which it trades on the open market and represents the number that a seller and buyer find agreeable to each party.