null Option on NVIDIA

NVDA Stock  USD 128.68  3.85  3.08%   
NVIDIA's latest option contracts expiring on May 16th 2025 are carrying combined implied volatility of 0.84 with a put-to-call open interest ratio of 0.92 over 100 outstanding agreements suggesting investors are buying slightly more calls than puts on contracts expiring on May 16th 2025. The total put volume is at 24.4 K, with calls trading at the volume of 19 K. This yields a 1.28 put-to-call volume ratio.

Open Interest Against May 16th 2025 Option Contracts

The chart above shows NVIDIA's distribution of open interest by maturity on contracts that have not yet been settled. The area between the two highest points is the projection of the price at expiration. NVIDIA's open interest chart also provides vital information regarding the liquidity of an option. If there is no open interest for NVIDIA's option, there is no secondary market available for investors to trade.

NVIDIA Maximum Pain Price Across 2025-05-16 Option Contracts

Max pain usually refers to a trading concept that asserts that market manipulation can cause the market price of particular securities such as NVIDIA close to expiration to expire worthless. So, Max pain occurs when market makers reach a net positive position across all options at a strike price where option holders stand to lose the most money. By contrast, NVIDIA's option sellers may reap the most after selling more options than buying, causing them to expire worthless.

In The Money vs. Out of Money Option Contracts on NVIDIA

Analyzing NVIDIA's in-the-money options over time can help investors to take a profitable long position in NVIDIA regardless of its overall volatility. This is especially true when NVIDIA's options are deep in the money. These options can be identified using deltas that are over 0.75. Deep in-the-money NVIDIA's options could be used as guardians of the underlying stock as they move almost dollar for dollar with NVIDIA's stock while costing only a fraction of its price.
NVIDIA's stock options are financial instruments that give investors the right to buy or sell shares of NVIDIA common stock at a specified price for a given time period. Generally speaking, an option to purchase or sell NVIDIA stock makes it part of the underlying stock when the option's price is tied to the movement of the underlying stock. If NVIDIA's stock price goes up or down, the stock options follow.
At present, NVIDIA's Total Stockholder Equity is projected to increase significantly based on the last few years of reporting. The current year's Liabilities And Stockholders Equity is expected to grow to about 79.4 B, whereas Common Stock Shares Outstanding is forecasted to decline to about 24.9 B.

NVIDIA In The Money Call Balance

When NVIDIA's strike price is surpassing the current stock price, the option contract against NVIDIA stock is said to be in the money. When it comes to buying NVIDIA's options that are 'In the Money' or 'Out of the Money', the choice depends on your outlook for the underlying security, financial situation, and what you are trying to achieve.
While 'out-of-the-money' option contracts written on NVIDIA are typically viewed as the more aggressive, there are potential upsides to purchasing these types of options contracts. For one, the cost to buy an 'Out of the Money' option is lower than the cost to buy an 'In the Money' option. This cost-benefit is due to the fact that at the time of the purchase, 'Out of the Money' contracts have no intrinsic value. So, while the potential for a 100% loss is more significant, the cost and risk to enter the trade are lower.

NVIDIA Current Options Market Mood

NVIDIA's open interest and total value indicators provide investors with the necessary information to digest the overall options buildup for its expiring contracts. In addition, it helps NVIDIA Stock's traders understand whether a recent fall or rise in the market is unreasonable and if the time has come to take contrarian positions. These ratios are calculated based on options trading volumes and current open interest.

Put-to-Call Open Interest

Put-to-Call Volume

Most options investors, including buyers and sellers of NVIDIA's calls and puts, are not very successful. It is estimated that an average options trader loses somewhere between 80% to 90% of the time. NVIDIA's option open interest and volume spread between outstanding puts and calls are regarded by many investors as reliable indicators of the overall future market direction.

Rule 16 of the current NVIDIA contract

Base on the Rule 16, the options market is currently suggesting that NVIDIA will have an average daily up or down price movement of about 0.0525% per day over the life of the 2025-05-16 option contract. With NVIDIA trading at USD 128.68, that is roughly USD 0.0676. If you think that the market is fully incorporating NVIDIA's daily price movement you should consider buying NVIDIA options at the current volatility level of 0.84%. But if you have an opposite viewpoint you should avoid it and even consider selling them.
Purchasing NVIDIA options can give investors a meaningful hedge against losses and, therefore, could be used conservatively to decrease the volatility of your portfolio. However, many options could also amount to little more than gambling, significantly enhancing your overall portfolio risk. One simple example of these aggressive strategies is the sale of "uncovered" NVIDIA calls. Remember, the seller must deliver NVIDIA stock to the call owner when a call is exercised.

NVIDIA Option Chain

When NVIDIA's strike price is surpassing the current stock price, the option contract against NVIDIA stock is said to be in the money. When it comes to buying options that are ITM or OTM, the choice depends on your outlook for the underlying security, financial situation, and what you are trying to achieve.
NVIDIA's option chain is a display of a range of information that helps investors for ways to trade options on NVIDIA. In general, an option chain provides a helpful tool for investors to see all available option contracts, both puts, and calls, for NVIDIA. It also shows strike prices and maturity days for a NVIDIA against a given expiration period. The table below combines all the option information in the form of a chain but before you use it, remember that it entails significant risk and it is not for everyone.
Open IntStrike PriceCurrent SpreadLast Price
NVDA250516C00005000104355.0111.0 - 116.0113.2In
NVDA250516C00010000110.0106.0 - 111.0106.76In
NVDA250516C00015000115.0101.0 - 106.0106.45In
NVDA250516C000200001020.097.0 - 102.098.37In
NVDA250516C000250006225.092.0 - 97.094.7In
NVDA250516C000300005530.087.0 - 92.096.04In
NVDA250516C000350001535.082.0 - 87.083.26In
NVDA250516C00040000440.078.1 - 82.077.97In
NVDA250516C000450001045.073.2 - 76.8574.87In
NVDA250516C0005000013350.067.0 - 72.068.8In
NVDA250516C000550009755.062.0 - 67.059.95In
NVDA250516C0006000095260.059.0 - 62.058.84In
NVDA250516C0006500022665.053.0 - 57.3557.53In
NVDA250516C0007000064670.049.4 - 53.050.11In
NVDA250516C0007500064675.043.0 - 46.7545.75In
NVDA250516C00080000197180.039.25 - 43.5541.37In
NVDA250516C0008500049985.036.05 - 38.9536.96In
NVDA250516C00090000192790.032.2 - 33.4532.85In
NVDA250516C0009500066295.028.55 - 29.028.75In
NVDA250516C001000006111100.024.85 - 26.1525.1In
NVDA250516C00105000890105.020.6 - 23.521.8In
NVDA250516C001100003494110.018.5 - 20.018.75In
NVDA250516C001150004153115.015.85 - 16.115.95In
NVDA250516C0012000011787120.013.45 - 13.7513.58Out
NVDA250516C0012500011171125.011.25 - 11.611.51Out
NVDA250516C0013000014976130.09.5 - 9.89.73Out
NVDA250516C0013500015671135.08.0 - 8.28.1Out
NVDA250516C0014000016106140.06.75 - 6.856.79Out
NVDA250516C001450009399145.05.55 - 5.755.65Out
NVDA250516C0015000024837150.04.7 - 4.84.7Out
NVDA250516C0015500013783155.03.85 - 4.03.92Out
NVDA250516C0016000016157160.03.2 - 3.353.27Out
NVDA250516C0016500011070165.02.67 - 3.12.7Out
NVDA250516C001700009926170.02.24 - 2.352.28Out
NVDA250516C001750006499175.01.87 - 1.991.89Out
NVDA250516C001800009565180.01.53 - 1.681.65Out
NVDA250516C001850005794185.01.34 - 1.41.38Out
NVDA250516C001900009388190.01.1 - 1.271.17Out
NVDA250516C001950005438195.00.93 - 1.031.01Out
NVDA250516C0020000015012200.00.8 - 0.890.87Out
NVDA250516C002100005290210.00.61 - 0.70.65Out
NVDA250516C002200002429220.00.47 - 0.550.49Out
NVDA250516C002300003670230.00.36 - 0.470.4Out
NVDA250516C002400002883240.00.28 - 0.350.29Out
NVDA250516C002500007217250.00.21 - 0.260.24Out
NVDA250516C0026000022425260.00.18 - 0.20.2Out
NVDA250516C002700005944270.00.14 - 0.170.16Out
NVDA250516C002800005053280.00.13 - 0.160.13Out
NVDA250516C002900004003290.00.07 - 0.120.11Out
NVDA250516C003000003043300.00.09 - 0.10.1Out
NVDA250516P0000500025.00.0 - 0.020.01Out
NVDA250516P00010000110.00.0 - 0.020.01Out
NVDA250516P000150001215.00.0 - 0.020.01Out
NVDA250516P0002000082020.00.01 - 0.230.02Out
NVDA250516P00025000166925.00.01 - 0.080.05Out
NVDA250516P0003000082430.00.03 - 0.180.05Out
NVDA250516P000350001261435.00.05 - 0.080.1Out
NVDA250516P00040000119940.00.08 - 0.110.09Out
NVDA250516P0004500018445.00.11 - 0.190.14Out
NVDA250516P00050000793550.00.18 - 0.220.22Out
NVDA250516P0005500034255.00.25 - 0.30.3Out
NVDA250516P00060000160660.00.36 - 0.410.4Out
NVDA250516P0006500078365.00.5 - 0.550.54Out
NVDA250516P0007000095570.00.66 - 0.750.74Out
NVDA250516P00075000155175.00.92 - 1.041.02Out
NVDA250516P00080000626780.01.36 - 1.441.42Out
NVDA250516P00085000296585.01.92 - 2.031.94Out
NVDA250516P000900001244890.02.69 - 2.872.77Out
NVDA250516P000950001252295.03.7 - 3.853.75Out
NVDA250516P0010000035297100.05.0 - 5.155.05Out
NVDA250516P0010500018255105.06.55 - 6.956.6Out
NVDA250516P0011000036835110.08.4 - 8.758.66Out
NVDA250516P0011500012126115.010.2 - 11.011.1Out
NVDA250516P0012000020514120.012.85 - 13.9513.54In
NVDA250516P0012500022409125.016.1 - 16.6516.4In
NVDA250516P0013000026215130.019.35 - 20.319.85In
NVDA250516P001350008482135.021.05 - 25.723.1In
NVDA250516P001400009155140.026.4 - 29.026.5In
NVDA250516P0014500014157145.030.35 - 30.930.83In
NVDA250516P001500004129150.033.9 - 35.134.72In
NVDA250516P001550001892155.037.0 - 39.2537.95In
NVDA250516P00160000761160.043.0 - 43.7543.62In
NVDA250516P00165000478165.045.2 - 48.2548.11In
NVDA250516P00170000473170.052.15 - 52.954.14In
NVDA250516P00175000226175.055.0 - 60.059.1In
NVDA250516P00180000145180.060.0 - 65.060.95In
NVDA250516P00185000120185.064.0 - 69.066.21In
NVDA250516P00190000156190.069.0 - 74.070.41In
NVDA250516P00195000105195.074.0 - 79.075.45In
NVDA250516P00200000340200.079.0 - 83.7582.6In
NVDA250516P002100000210.089.0 - 94.064.4In
NVDA250516P002200000220.099.0 - 103.8576.46In
NVDA250516P002300000230.0109.0 - 114.093.2In
NVDA250516P002400000240.0119.0 - 124.0103.17In
NVDA250516P002500000250.0129.0 - 134.0129.0In
NVDA250516P002600000260.0139.0 - 144.0139.0In
NVDA250516P002700000270.0149.0 - 154.0149.0In
NVDA250516P002800000280.0159.0 - 164.0159.0In
NVDA250516P002900000290.0169.0 - 174.0153.7In
NVDA250516P003000001300.0179.0 - 183.85182.1In

NVIDIA Total Stockholder Equity

Total Stockholder Equity

51.9 Billion

At present, NVIDIA's Total Stockholder Equity is projected to increase significantly based on the last few years of reporting.

NVIDIA Corporate Management

Ajay PuriExecutive VP of Worldwide Field OperationsProfile
Mylene MangalindanVP CommunicationsProfile
Timothy JDGeneral VPProfile
Prof DallyChief ResearchProfile
Brian KelleherSenior EngineeringProfile
JD CFAVice RelationsProfile
When determining whether NVIDIA offers a strong return on investment in its stock, a comprehensive analysis is essential. The process typically begins with a thorough review of NVIDIA's financial statements, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, to assess its financial health. Key financial ratios are used to gauge profitability, efficiency, and growth potential of Nvidia Stock. Outlined below are crucial reports that will aid in making a well-informed decision on Nvidia Stock:
Check out Correlation Analysis to better understand how to build diversified portfolios, which includes a position in NVIDIA. Also, note that the market value of any company could be closely tied with the direction of predictive economic indicators such as signals in unemployment.
For information on how to trade NVIDIA Stock refer to our How to Trade NVIDIA Stock guide.
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Is Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment space expected to grow? Or is there an opportunity to expand the business' product line in the future? Factors like these will boost the valuation of NVIDIA. If investors know NVIDIA will grow in the future, the company's valuation will be higher. The financial industry is built on trying to define current growth potential and future valuation accurately. All the valuation information about NVIDIA listed above have to be considered, but the key to understanding future value is determining which factors weigh more heavily than others.
Quarterly Earnings Growth
Earnings Share
Revenue Per Share
Quarterly Revenue Growth
Return On Assets
The market value of NVIDIA is measured differently than its book value, which is the value of NVIDIA that is recorded on the company's balance sheet. Investors also form their own opinion of NVIDIA's value that differs from its market value or its book value, called intrinsic value, which is NVIDIA's true underlying value. Investors use various methods to calculate intrinsic value and buy a stock when its market value falls below its intrinsic value. Because NVIDIA's market value can be influenced by many factors that don't directly affect NVIDIA's underlying business (such as a pandemic or basic market pessimism), market value can vary widely from intrinsic value.
Please note, there is a significant difference between NVIDIA's value and its price as these two are different measures arrived at by different means. Investors typically determine if NVIDIA is a good investment by looking at such factors as earnings, sales, fundamental and technical indicators, competition as well as analyst projections. However, NVIDIA's price is the amount at which it trades on the open market and represents the number that a seller and buyer find agreeable to each party.